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Provide natural active ingredient extraction and purification of technical services, a variety of natural flavor

Health care products

Release time:2023-03-22 15:30:16      Number of clicks:108

To produce a variety of health food raw materials, pure natural flavor, cosmetics and washing supplies special natural plant extract, products are widely used in medicine, food, cosmetics and health products field, at the same time we also provide natural active ingredient extraction and purification technical services, a variety of natural flavor. At the same time can produce powder, liquid, tablets, soft capsules, hard capsules, particles and other forms of health food and efficacy products, with a number of automatic packaging production lines to meet the needs of diverse packaging. At the same time, we provide a variety of plant and Chinese medicinal material extracts, which can be customized according to customer needs, fully meet customer needs, and provide OEM, ODM processing business.


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